by Kris | Feb 28, 2017 | Criminal law, Despicable You, Direct Access Barristers, DIY Law, Landlord & Tenant, Motoring Law, Non-legal help, Private client criminal defence, Road Traffic law
Lots of people are looking for legal advice but no-one wants to deal with a lawyer to get it. Amirite? Maybe not undeservedly, some solicitors have a reputation for having one eye on the clock and ratcheting up legal fees. And barristers? We’ve got a rep for...
by Kris | Aug 17, 2012 | Direct Access Barristers, Get qualified
I’ve been a big fan of David Boies ever since he appeared in Bush v Gore in 2000. He lost that case – but he’s the type of lawyer you’d trust with your life. Believe me – a rarity. So while I’m in the process of transitioning from...
by Kris | Jun 7, 2012 | Direct Access Barristers, DIY Law, Miscellany
I heart Mike Monteiro. Change “design” for “law” and “legal services” for a nice reminder of how lawyers should engage with clients.