Criminal Law Barrister
I understand how frustrating it is to find the right lawyer when you’ve been accused of a crime. I’ve seen too many people take the wrong path – and pay dearly for their mistakes.
I am one of a select group of Criminal law barristers accredited by the Bar Standards Board to accept clients under the Bar’s Public Access Scheme. This means that I can guide you every step of the way – so you can stop worrying and start getting your life back.
Stoke Newington Chambers was set up so you can come straight to me, without having to go through a solicitor first. In return, you’ll get expert legal services that achieve results – and peace of mind that comes from knowing you’re doing it right.
Here are a few examples of the success I’ve achieved for my clients –
R v X (Uxbridge Magistrates Court)
A Government worker was charged with assaulting her son-in-law – and the stakes couldn’t have been higher. X stood to lose her career as well as access to her grandchildren.
Because of my expertise, I knew the police had evidence that would exonerate X – but they hadn’t shown it to her.
I drafted a Defence Statement asking for Disclosure of this evidence – which the Crown Prosecution Service ignored.
The Magistrates read my Defence Statement before the trial started – and they found what I told them so compelling that they ordered the CPS to give me the Disclosure I was looking for.
That last minute Disclosure confirmed that the CPS’s case against X was fundamentally flawed.
The CPS went ahead with the trial anyway. But my cross-examination of the CPS’s witnesses, using the evidence I forced them to disclose to me, showed the Magistrates just how flawed the CPS’s case against X was.
The Magistrates said that it was not safe for the CPS’s case to go on – and they threw it out.
The CPS’s case collapsed without X having to say a word. She walked away from court with her good character and her career intact.
And because X had paid an upfront fixed fee for my services, she also walked away from court without having to worry about paying any surprise or on-going legal bills.
R v Y (Stevenage Magistrates Court)
A Project Manager who needed his licence to drive from site to site for work, overtook a police car one night on the M1 – and was clocked speeding at 115 mph. Most drivers in that situation would be looking at a disqualification from driving.
Y pleaded guilty and instructed me to speak for him at his sentence. As the result of my mitigation, Y received points in lieu of a ban and kept his licence, allowing him to carry on driving, working and earning – without disruption.
R v Z (Bromley Magistrates Court)
Z was charged with Drink Driving and was facing a mandatory 12-month disqualification. While it looked like the prosecution had an overwhelming case, I successfully argued that key evidence was not admissible – and the Crown Prosecution Service dropped the case. Because I discovered this before Z’s first court date, he potentially saved thousands in solicitor’s fees.
By following my proven framework and an easy three-step plan, you’ll have peace of mind, save money and get the best possible result:

Clear Advice

Optimised Strategy

Fixed Fees

Kristin Heimark
Gray’s Inn (Call: 2007)
South Eastern Circuit
Criminal Bar Association
Associate lecturer, Criminal & Public law (Open University)
LL.B. (School of Oriental & African Studies)
LL.M. (London School of Economics)

Kristin Heimark
Gray’s Inn (Call: 2007)
South Eastern Circuit
Criminal Bar Association
LL.B. (School of Oriental & African Studies)
LL.M. (London School of Economics)
“Kristin was great today and got the case thrown out. Kristin is a very hard working Barrister. She put in a ton of work in getting the case together.”