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We Want The Same Things

I’ve been a big fan of David Boies ever since he appeared in Bush v Gore in 2000. He lost that case – but he’s the type of lawyer you’d trust with your life. Believe me – a rarity. So while I’m in the process of transitioning from...

QASA and Quality Advocacy (QAA Part Deux)

It’s been a year since that SAHCA conference. Believe me. If you were there, you won’t have forgotten it. On the one hand, we had Government repeating its quality mantra, saying that the public must be protected from rogue (solicitor) advocates – and...

QLTT to QLTS: Putting the Kibosh on Kiwi Lawyers?

As of September 2010, it’s going to get a wee bit harder for overseas qualified lawyers to become English solicitors. The days of foreign lawyers from common-law jurisdictions passing an open-book solicitor’s accounts exam and having their supervising...

And Speaking Of New York

This is the story of a man whose “never say die” spirit has yet to be rewarded. Read on: All his life, Robert Bowman wanted to be a lawyer. He overcame a troubled childhood, a tragic accident that nearly cost him a leg and a debilitating Jet Ski collision....