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How much is my Coronavirus fine going to cost?

What’s the punishment for breaking the Coronavirus regulations?

The answer is in The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020. For a download of the regulations, click covid19-legislation

If your case ends up in the Magistrates Court, regulation 9(4) says that an offence under this regulation is punishable on summary conviction by a fine.

And if this case in Newcastle where the defendant was required to pay £660.00 is anything to go by, one may need to prepare for more than a slap on the wrist.

This seems right to me. Schedule 21 offences of the Coronavirus Act 2020 are set at Level 3. Level 3 fines are set at a maximum of £1,000.00. (Level 3 is the same level fine for Disorderly behaviour (harassment, alarm or distress) under s5 of the Public Order Act, 1986).

Under s164(2) of the Criminal Justice Act, 2003, the amount of the fine must reflect the seriousness of the offence.  – and under s164(4), the court must also take into account the financial circumstances of the offender.

The reduction from the £1,000.00 maximum may be a reflection of the seriousness of the offence and / or her personal means – as well as a reduction for an early guilty plea (if applicable on the facts of this case).

My simple tip

The new Coronavirus rules do have an effect on our personal liberty. Context is everything and you should get legal advice on the facts of your specific case.