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Should I trust what’s written on a bust card?

You’re at the climate change march and the atmosphere’s getting a little fresh. Someone’s shoved a police officer and now the cops are rounding up people in the immediate area. You’ve done nothing wrong, but PC Joe is talking to you.

What do you do if PC Joe asks for your name and address? Say nothing? Well, one thing this cardboard legal advice fails to mention is s24 of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act – and that by saying nothing, you may be inviting the officer to arrest you. Not everyone wants to be arrested and taken to the police station – and I don’t see the advantage in refusing to give your name.

No duty solicitor?

Here’s the laugh: certain bust cards make it sound like only a select few solicitors firms know anything about Protest Law. This is clearly incorrect because many of these firms are sending broadcast emails out to freelance solicitors and police station representatives to go to the station and advise you. Consider, just for a moment that the bust card is funnelling you to a particular solicitor so they can have your business.

The one thing this bust card does have right is this

A police simple caution, as I have mentioned in a recent post, is not something to be accepted lightly – or as a way to get out of police custody faster. Simple cautions are an admission of guilt and remain on your police record. Get qualified legal advice (which is offered at the police station for free) before signing anything or being interviewed.